Gipuzkoa has traditionally had a solid entrepreneurial tissue capable of generating economic activity and employment although, in recent years, there have been important breakdowns that are trying to be corrected by encouraging modernisation and improving competitiveness as a means to fomenting the creation of employment.
The small and medium enterprises have been the main protagonists in this im-provement process that, with respect to the management of the Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, has focused on consolidating a network of Industrialdeak (industrial complexes)- seventeen, located in eleven districts -, that have made it possible to establish more than 500 companies, on promoting industrial land and on incorpo-rating concepts like research, development, innovation or environmental quality into the dynamics of entrepreneurial management.

The amount of Community aid for developing this axis - from the ERDF and the Customs Re-Conversion Plan - amount to 3,890 million pesetas.