Transportation and communication infrastructures are undoubtedly a first class economic resource that condition regional development and determines its com-petitiveness to a large extent. Moreover, they are resources that, due to their huge importance, are of a markedly public nature and demand enormous invest-ments. Gipuzkoa as well as the whole BCAC are currently undergoing a profound renewal of their terrestrial and maritime transport and communication infrastruc-tures and this is absorbing important economic resources.

The effort put forth during the last years has focused on developing and promot-ing the communication networks considered trans-European as well as construct-ing better terrestrial communication networks among industrial zones and the main communication axes in order to facilitate better accessibility to the markets.
Through the ERDF and the Cohesion Fund, the Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa has managed community funding around this action axis for the amount of 6,094 mil-lion pesetas.