This site is a compilation of the courses of action implemented
in Gipuzkoa by the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council and Town Halls
in the province in relation to co-financing by European
Union Structural Funds.
Within the current scheduling for the years 2000-2006, Gipuzkoa
as part of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country relates
to the Nº 2 Objective and Nº 3 Objetive of the Structural
The Nº 2 Objective of the Structural Funds
is to revitalise areas with structural difficulties in relation to
industrial, rural or urban matters, or areas dependent on the fishing
These areas are part of regions whose level of development, although
on a par with the Community average, suffer from a number of social
and economic difficulties at local level which frequently result
in high levels of unemployment.
And Nº 3 Objective is the reference
framework for the development of human resources for better and more
generalised employment.