Gipuzkoa Provincial Council - Taxation and Finance Department
European funds in Gipuzkoa
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Axes and measures, location and institutions
Axes and measures
  axis 2 Reinforcing entrepreneurial capacity  

The objective of this axis is to encourage entrepreneurial capacity, including promotion, back-up and consultancy for self-employment, small businesses and any other forms of activity. Particular attention is to be paid to projects which make use of new sources of employment – the environment and new technology – and plans will also be laid to increase the numbers of women running businesses.


Measure 1: Encourage new activities to create employment.

Activities focus on enhancing business initiative and creating companies, since it has been shown that development of economic activity is the best way of generating employment.

Action taken: Management training to create and develop businesses

This includes business training geared towards young people with the will and ability to become entrepreneurs within a business project.

European funds in Gipuzkoa | GIPUZKOA PROVINCIAL COUNCIL © 2003