Gipuzkoa Provincial Council - Taxation and Finance Department
European funds in Gipuzkoa
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Axes and measures, location and institutions
Axes and measures
  axis 5 Reinforcing human potential in terms of research, science and technology  

The objective of this axis is to reinforce human potential in terms of research, development and innovation, using the growth opportunities created by scientific and technological development.


Measure 1: Investing in human resources in relation to research, science and technology and knowledge transfer to the production sector.

The objective of this measure is to improve the training for scientific posts and technology transfer to the production sector.

Action taken: Training of research staff

Training people who work in the research field in order to establish closer links between the field of research and the field of (productive) business which will improve the transfer of technology (research and innovation) towards the productive sector.

Action taken: Anticipation of the requirements of technology

Methodological and pedagogical units based on intensive use of new information and communications technology to improve the various training systems, involving teachers at post-compulsory secondary schools.

European funds in Gipuzkoa | GIPUZKOA PROVINCIAL COUNCIL © 2003