Gipuzkoa Provincial Council - Taxation and Finance Department
European funds in Gipuzkoa
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Axes and measures, location and institutions
Axes and measures
  axis 6 Percentage of women in the job market  

The objective of this axis is to encourage specific action in favour of women in all areas, particularly where the aim is to enhance female employability, encourage the entrepreneurial spirit in women, combat occupational segregation and segregation with regard to remuneration, and improve the compatibility of work and family life.


Measure 1: Improving female employability.

These activities are specifically geared towards women.

Action taken: Providing women with professional qualifications

This involves a comprehensive plan to provide professional qualifications – guidance and information with regard to the job market, specific training with new information and communications technology and in-house training to improve female employability. The plans include a “credit account for training” to enhance the personalised format of the training itinerary and the actual role of the women themselves within their process.

Measure 2: Increasing female business activity.

The various courses of action planned for this measure are geared towards women who wish to set up a business.

Measure 3: Combating horizontal and vertical segregation and payment discrimination, with compatibility between work and family life.

The various courses of action planned for this measure are geared towards women and society in general, and aim to encourage a policy of equal opportunities for both sexes.

Action taken: Integration of the principle of equal opportunities

This includes action to ensure accessibility to equal opportunities for all those benefiting from measures which encourage professional employment insertion, and there are three basic work areas, as follows: operational co-ordination of training requirements, customised on a person-to-person basis in such a way that a specific time/location response is obtained from the offer of training, a search for a suitable in-training company, and provision of measures to ensure the compatibility of professional and family life, particularly the arrangements made for children whilst their parents are taking part in the job-insertion process.

European funds in Gipuzkoa | GIPUZKOA PROVINCIAL COUNCIL © 2003