Regarding Gipuzkoa concretely, during this programme period, most of her territory is classified as objective 2, while 9 municipalities (Aia, Albistur, Alkiza, Asteasu, Beizama, Bidegoian, Errezil, Hernialde and Larraul) are included within objective 5b zones. Basque Country Operational Programmes (BCOP)
1994-1996 and (BCOP) 1997-1999 regulate ERDF and ESF aid to the BCAC within objective 2, and, therefore, it is through these that Gipuzkoa receives funding. Just as in the preceding programme period, Gipuzkoa also obtains funding through objective 3 (ESF).
Regarding Community Initiatives, of the initiatives established by the European Commission for the programme period 1994-1999, Gipuzkoa benefits from four of them (RESIDER II, INTERREG II, ADAPT II and HORIZON II).
Together with all this, Gipuzkoa also receives important aid for livestock breeding, which is distributed according to two concepts: guarantee (for maintaining agricultural prices) and guidance (aimed at modernising agriculture in rural areas).
Thus, globally, financing received by Gipuzkoa throughout the period 1994-1999, is channelled through objective 2 (ERDF and ESF), objective 3 (ESF), objective 5b (FEOGA-Guidance and ERDF), aid to livestock breeding (FEOGA-Guidance and FEOGA-Guarantee) and from four Community Initiatives. In this programme period, 1994-1999, there is also Cohesion Fund financing.
Structural Funds and Community Initiatives account for all the financing received by Gipuzkoa throughout the period 1994-1999. Together with this are the Innovative Actions.
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