Table 1.1. UE Structural measures (1994-1999)*
| table | in context |

Table 1.2. Community Objectives and the Funds That Intervene

| table | in context |

Table 3.1. European Funds in Gipuzkoa (1986-1988)
| pesetas | euros | in context |

Table 3.2. European Funds in Gipuzkoa (1989-1993)
| pesetas | euros | in context |

Table 3.3. European Funds in Gipuzkoa (1994-1999)
| pesetas | euros | in context |

Table 4.1. Global Funding (1986-1988)
| pesetas | euros | in context |

Table 4.2. Global Funding (1989-1993)
| pesetas | euros | in context |

Table 4.3. BCOP 1989-1991: Objective 2 (ERDF). Volume of aid granted
| pesetas | euros | in context |

Table 4.4. BCOP 1992-1993: Objective 2 (ERDF). Volume of aid granted (Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa)
| pesetas | euros | in context |

Table 4.5. BCOP 1992-1993: Objective 2 (ERDF). Volume of aid granted (City Halls in Gipuzkoa).
| pesetas | euros | in context |

Table 4.6. Global ESF Funding (1989-1993)
| pesetas | euros | in context |

Table 4.7. Community Initiatives (Volume of aid obtained)
| pesetas | euros | in context |

Table 4.8. Customs (Volume of aid obtained)
| pesetas | euros | in context |

Table 4.9. Global Funding (1994-1999)
| pesetas | euros | in context |

Table 4.10. BCOP: Objective 2 (ERDF) Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa
| pesetas | euros | in context |

Table 4.11. BCOP: Objective 2 (ERDF) Gipuzkoa Municipalities
| pesetas | euros | in context |

Table 4.12. BCOP: Objective 2 (ESF)
| pesetas | euros | in context |

Table 4.13. Basque Country Operational Programme: Objective 3 (ESF) Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa
| pesetas | euros | in context |

Table 4.14. Community Initiatives (Volume of aid obtained)
| pesetas | euros | in context |

Table 4.15. Community Initiatives (Volume of aid obtained)
| pesetas | euros | in context |

Table 4.16. Cohesion Fund (Volume of aid obtained)
| pesetas | euros | in context |

Table 5.1. Global Funding (1986-1999)
| pesetas | euros | in context |

Table 5.2. Destination of Community Funding in Gipuzkoa (1986-1999)
| table | in context |

Table.6.1. The BCAC and Gipuzkoa in the European context
| pesetas | euros | in context |

Table 6.2. Scenario for the period 2000-2006 (Agenda 2000)
| table | in context |

Graph 5.1. Destination of Community Funding (1986-1999)
| table | in context |
| Index of tables | Communitary objetives |
| Communitary Funds | Communitary Initiatives |
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