Environment R+D Infrastructures and communications Local and urban developmentTraining and employment

In a market economy, production decisions are made basically by the companies. Thus these institutions become important agents in the productive activity and, consequently, play an essential role in regional development.
Therefore it is not possible for a society to advance economically if its entrepreneurial tissue is not consolidated and in permanent evolution, adjusting to the requirements that society demands in relation to the production of the goods and services that it needs.
Having highlighted the important role that the entrepreneurial tis-sue must play in regional development and the social function it must exercise, we emphasise the importance of policies to support entrepreneurial activity. They must implement different actions to improve and boost the course of this activity.
Traditionally, the BCAC developed an important entrepreneurial tissue as a consequence of its sufficient capacity to generate autochthonic entrepreneurial projects, the roots of which lie in certain norms of social behaviour as well as in other internal and external factors that condition the course of entrepreneurial activities. Currently important breakdowns in the entrepreneurial tissue are being observed in the Basque Country. Therefore, it is necessary to foster and drive modernisation in aspects related to management, produc-tion, commercialisation, etc. Along this same line, the pressure of competition is manifest among the companies and the response to the challenge of developing the Basque economy must be given especially by private initiative, although the public administrations assume the responsibility of driving and backing it up with actions that promote and support this response.
The small and medium enterprise is the main protagonist in the proposed development strategy. Therefore, policies related to these small and medium companies will concentrate around axes aiming to increase competitiveness.

Actions to achieve a greater degree of industrial development must lead towards a greater power and diversification of the productive structure of Basque industry.
An important fact that can strongly mark the type of competition that Basque companies will have to face is the growing internationalisation of industry in recent years. This internationalisation strategy adopted by numerous foreign firms owes to the fact that this is the only way to grow given the limitations of the near markets as to their growth expectations and size.
Along other lines, it must be mentioned that, within the actions for promoting and supporting productive activities, it is necessary to encourage the development of urbanised industrial land and, in this way, provide solutions for urban problems through the creation of an offer of industrial land within the criteria established by urban planning.
The aim is to relocate firms in industrial complexes, facilitate the implantation of new companies as well as replace industrial or service tissue in specific zones. This all obeys the ultimate objective of improving industrial urbanism and environment as well as increasing the firms' productivity.
El importe total de las ayudas comunitarias (FEDER, Plan de Reconversión para Aduanas, fundamentalmente) para el desarrollo de este Eje ha sido de 3.890,2 millones de ptas.
| Global evolution 1986-1999 |
Competitiveness Axis 1Environment Axis 2R+D Axis 3Infrastructures and communications Axis 4Local and urban development Axis 5Training and employment Axis 6 |

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