Competitiveness R+D Infrastructures and communicationsDesarrollo Local y UrbanoTraining and employment

Strong population growth starting in the 60s together with pressure exerted by strong economic activity on the environment as well as excessive exploitation of the resources have altered and seriously harmed the environment.
The deterioration is in the form of contamination in the rivers as well as along the coast, atmospheric contamination and also the enormous problem of industrial waste dumps.

The environmental problem, although more intense in certain areas, is spread throughout the Basque Country.
An important proportion of the residuals generated are dumped into the environment with no control, which constitutes a huge problem due to its incidence on contaminating the soil, the air and the water.
So, to palliate this situation, actions have been developed along the lines of reducing the activity of certain contaminating productive sectors as well as curtailing the already existing harmful effects deriving from industrial activity.
On the other hand, the BCAC is a territory in which the problems of industrial ruins have a great presence: mined-out mineral deposit areas, industrial facilities in sectors subjected to hard reconversion processes, etc., have provoked the appearance of large surfaces that are altered in their natural environment or with obsolete or decaying industrial facilities giving rise to an image of degradation that strongly conditions the creation of new dynamics and requires the recovery and reordering of those surfaces. Their rehabilitation is an objective to achieve.
| Global evolution 1986-1999 |
Competitiveness Axis 1Environment Axis 2R+D Axis 3Infrastructures and communications Axis 4Local and urban development Axis 5Training and employment Axis 6 |

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