of the existing community financial instruments will contribute adequately
to achieving the following six priority objectives:
num. 1
Foment the development and structural adjustment of the less
developed regions.
num. 2
Reconvert the regions, cross-border regions or parts of regions
(including employment basins and urban nuclei) seriously af-fected
by industrial decline.
num. 3
Combat long term unemployment and facilitate the professional
insertion of youth and of those persons exposed to exclusion from
the labour market.
num. 4
Facilitate the adaptation of the workers to industrial mutations
and to the evolution of the systems of production.
num. 5
Foment rural development:
Objetive nš 5 A, accelerating the adaptation of agrarian
structures within the framework of the reform of the common agricultural
Objetive nš 5 B, facilitating the development and structural
adjustment of rural zones.
In the context of the revision of the common fishing policy, the
measures for adapting the fishing industry structures corre-sponding
to objective 5 a).
num. 6
Foment the development of scarce demographic density regions.
Definitions to review with the approval of the norms for structural
funds under agenda 2000.