ERDF (European Regional Development Fund)
Will particularly contribute to support:
productive investments;
creation or the modernisation of infrastructures that contribute
to the development or the re-conversion of the corresponding
actions that aim to develop the endogenous potential of the
cor-responding regions;
investments in the spheres of education and health in the objec-tive
1 regions.
ERDF will also contribute to supporting studies or pilot plans
related to regional development on the Community scale especially
when having to do with border regions of the member States.
ESF (European Social Fund)
ESF, in order to combat unemployment and promote employ-ment,
will contribute particularly to:
facilitate access to the labour market;
foment equal opportunities in the labour market;
develop competencies, aptitudes and professional qualifications;
favour the creation of employment.
this context, the ESF will grant aid to studies or pilot plans,
especially if they refer to aspects that are common to several
member States.
FEOGA-Guidance (European Agricultural
Guidance and Guarantee Fund, guidance section)
The functions of the FEOGA-Guidance section-, are the following:
reinforce and reorganise agrarian structures and, also in this
context, forestry structures, including those of commercialisation
and transformation of agricultural and forestry products and
contribute to compensating the effects of natural obstacles
in agriculture;
guarantee the re-conversion of agricultural productions and
pro-mote the development of complementary activities for farmers;
to guaranteeing an equitable level of living for farmers;
contribute to the development of the social grid in rural zones,
to the protection of the environment and to the conservation
of the rural space (including the conservation of the natural
resources of agriculture).
FEOGA, Guidance section, will also contribute to aid actions of
technical assistance and information, of carrying out studies
and pilot plans having to do with adapting agrarian structures
and fo-menting rural development at the community scale.
FIFG (Financial Instrument
for Fisheries Guidance)
Has the following functions:
to achieving a sustainable balance between the resources and
their exploitation.
increase the competitiveness of the exploitation structures
and the development of economically viable companies in the
increase the value of fishing and agricultural products and
improve their supply..
The FIFG will, moreover, contribute to actions of technical assis-tance
and information and to carrying out studies and pilot experi-ences
having to do with adapting the structures of the sector.
The Cohesion Fund constitutes a new instrument of aid and solidar-ity
destined to contribute to strengthening the economic and social
cohesion of the European Union and to facilitate the participation
of the less prosperous member States in the Economic and Monetary
Union (Spain, Greece, Ireland and Portugal) that contribute to
im-prove the environment or to develop the transportation networks
and infrastructures.
Definitions to review with the approval of the norms for structural
funds under agenda 2000.