The BCAC was definitively defined mainly as a zone eligible for objective 2, except for two districts in Alava (montaña alavesa and valles alaveses) which were included in the 5b objective zone. So financing received by Gipuzkoa from the Structural Funds throughout the period 1989-1993 is received through objective 2 (ERDF and ESF), through horizontal objectives 3 and 4 (ESF in both cases) and through Community Initiatives and FEOGA.
Spain's Social Regional Reconversion Plan (SRRP) 1989-1993, opened the door to two Community Support Frameworks (CSF): CSF 1989-1991 and 1992-1993, which, in turn, give rise to two Operational Programmes that regulate ERDF and ESF aid to the BCAC within objective 2: Basque Country Operational Programme (BCOP) 1989-1991 and Basque Country Operational Programme (BCOP) 1992-1993. Gipuzkoa receives funding from both programmes during this period.
Besides the funding received through objective 2 (ERDF and ESF), Gipuzkoa also obtains financing through objectives 3 and 4 (both likewise channelled through ESF). Together with all this, during the period 1989-1993, of the fourteen community Initiatives established by the European Commission, four of them affected Gipuzkoa: one was cross-border cooperation (INTERREG), another for developing new economic activities that create jobs (RESIDER I Adapted), another in support of reinsertion of women with previous experience into the labour market (NOW), and finally another related to qualifications and opportunities for employment (EUROFORM).
The community programmes (COMETT, LEONARDO) and other community calls for projects are not taken into account.
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