CompetitivenessEnvironment R+D Infrastructures and communicationsLocal and urban development

In order to support the modernisation and restructuring of firms:

  • on-going professional training of workers within the framework of supporting employment including recycling and reconversion.
  • guidance, assistance and counselling for companies and workers.

In order to promote policies for protecting the environment:

  • training for the development and protection of the environment.
  • employment incentives for hiring personnel specialised in environmental areas.
  • training and aiding researchers in environmental fields.

In order to promote R & D and innovation:

  • specialised postgraduate training
  • training managers and technical people for SME research centres and R & D centres
  • incentives for hiring researchers
  • training in the technologies of the future.

In order to promote local and urban development:

  • aid for training collectives with difficulties for insertion in the la-bour market.
  • aid for training and incentives for hiring local development agents.
  • improving employment services for integrating those collectives with most difficulties.
| Global evolution 1986-1999 |
Competitiveness Axis 1Environment Axis 2R+D Axis 3Infrastructures and communications Axis 4Local and urban development Axis 5Training and employment Axis 6 |

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